
(Im)politeness has been a topic of extensive research over the past few decades. Consequently, researchers working in the field have over the years proposed, developed and adopted a wide range of theoretical, analytical and methodological approaches to (im)politeness in human interaction. Due to the popularity of (im)politeness as an academic area, it is of utmost importance to encourage further synergies between researchers who do research on this topic with a view to proposing new agendas, directions and avenues for research. This endeavour requires researchers to examine, with a fresh eye, how mainstream approaches to (im)politeness can be brought together with less mainstream uptakes.
Organised under the aegis of the Linguistic Politeness Research Group, and around the theme of "WITHIN AND BEYOND MAINSTREAM APPROACHES TO (IM)POLITENESS", the 12th International Conference on (Im)politeness will be held at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge (17 -19 July 2019), to continue the tradition and success of previous Politeness and Impoliteness symposia.